Reviews in SOUTH 70
Here are the titles reviewed in SOUTH 70 together with their author or editor (and reviewer):
Where Shadow Falls - Ruth O'Callaghan (David Ashbee)
book of crow - Anna Barker (Sue Spiers)
Safety Measure against the Sea - Katharine Goda (Maya Pieris)
High Nowhere - Jean Atkin (Peter Keeble)
Fear of Falling Backwards - Ian Mullins (David Herring)
Company of Ghosts - Lucy Dixcart (Dave Martin)
Transformations - Beth Brooke (Richard Woolmer)
Reeling and Writhing - Barry Smith (Patrick Osada)
The Wrong Ancient Mariner - Martin Parker (Richard Palmer)
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - Sue Spiers (D A Prince)
The Year of Two Winters - Emma Storr (Beth Brooke)
The Adjustments - Claire Dyer (Denise Bennett)