
SOUTH Poetry Magazine

SOUTH poetry magazine has earned a special place on the poetry scene. It pioneered a unique system of selection aimed at giving all poets the best possible chance of getting published. Some earlier issues can be seen online at the Poetry Library website.

The poems for our final edition of SOUTH have now been selected. Congratulations to all concerned.

To see if your work is included in SOUTH 70, go to the Next issue pages

After 35 years of continuous production, it is with a mixture of sadness and pride that SOUTH's management team has decided SOUTH 70 must be the final edition of SOUTH. Postal and printing costs continue to rise and subscriber numbers have fallen steadily over recent years, meaning that we just cannot keep going. If you are a subscriber who has paid up for issues beyond SOUTH 70, we will be returning your advance payment in due course.

Poetry publishers please note, the reviews section for the final issue of SOUTH 70 has now been completed so please do not send any further works for review. Thank you for your support over the past seventy issues.

Thank you to everyone who have supported us through the years: subscribers, submitters, selectors, profilers and reviewers. It's been great working with you all.

Our postal address is: SOUTH poetry magazine, PO Box 9338, WIMBORNE, BH21 9JA

You can follow us on Facebook   X(Twitter) tag: @SOUTHpoetrymag

SOUTH is published twice yearly. It features previously unpublished poems written in English.

Poems are chosen by a selection panel, which changes for each issue. The poets' names are withheld from the panel, to give all poets a fair chance of being published. Around 60 poems are chosen for each issue.

SOUTH features a specially written profile of a well-published poet, accompanied by a generous selection of poems. Book reviews and information for subscribers also appear in each issue. SOUTH encourages the poets it publishes to get to know each other by inviting them to take part in public readings that launch each issue.

SOUTH is run by a management team. The current team is: Anne Peterson, Penny Dale, Pauline Howard, Peter Keeble, Dave Martin and Chrissie Williams.

Members of the management team are willing to give talks on all aspects of publishing SOUTH which they can combine with a poetry reading. Contact us if you would like us to visit your group - no fee is asked, except covering our travel costs.